Re: rpc.cmsd?

Scott D. Yelich (
Tue, 19 Jul 94 17:58:57 MDT

>>>>> "Rafi" == Rafi Sadowsky <> writes:

>> If you know a hole, the purpose of Bugtraq is to describe it so
>> that we can all make ourselves safe. If you don't know of one,
>> please don't make us paranoid unnecessarily. If you know of one and
>> won't tell us what it is, then you are not helping anyone and you
>> are not following the charter of this list.

Rafi> [ I apoligise if this is a case of mistaken identity - but I
Rafi> think not ] given that jsz is a ( hopefully :-) reformed
Rafi> ex-cracker ( better known as "yo" ) I'm somewhat suspicious of
Rafi> his motives ...


Rafi> well Yonatan(you are jsz aren't you ?) - is that enough
Rafi> provocation to get some more details from you ?

Well, supposedly Yonathan has been amassing a huge aresenal of Solamis
holes... I guess by bugging Casper until casper shares.... but
Yonathan has been all mouth for the last 7 months.  He "says" he has a
lot... he will cut and paste old and/or fabricated exerpts... but he's
definitely not sharing.

I may be wrong-- but I wouldn't expect anything to be headed toward
bugtraq anytime soon from Yonathan.  I think his latest excuse is that
he doesn't trust anyone and he doesn't want the POSSE to get his/these

uh huh.  sure.

ps: This isn't meant as a flame... it's meant only to be a one
time input from my saying that I agree that bugtraq is about
disclosure and not teasing (of which some people are getting better
and better about performing).
pps: Sorry Scott.